Our principle is to provide equal opportunities to all people under equal conditions.

In recruitment policies and career planning at VSY Biotechnology, the principle of providing equal opportunity to people under equal conditions is adopted. Personnel recruitment criteria are determined in writing and these criteria are followed. All rights granted to employees are treated fairly. Training programs are carried out to increase the interest, skills and experience of employees and training policies are established. Within these policies, actions are taken to increase motivation and commitment. Employees are informed about salaries, careers, education and health issues and opinions are exchanged. Decisions taken or developments concerning the employees in accordance with the strategic objectives shall be notified to the employees or their representatives. In decisions of this nature, information is obtained from the relevant tertiary institutions. VSY Biotechnology announces the job descriptions of its employees. Efficiency is taken into consideration in determining wages and other benefits given to employees. Measures are taken to ensure that there is no discrimination between employees, race, religion, language and gender and that employees are protected from physical, mental and emotional abuse within the company.

Selection & Placement

As VSY Biotechnology, we use many channels in the process of selecting the most suitable candidate for our development and change oriented structure. In addition to consultancy services, we aim to reach the right candidate by publishing ads through career portals and our website. In our transparent recruitment processes, competency-based interviews, personality tests and English tests are conducted for adaptation to the corporate culture and rapid adaptation to our structure. We conduct interviews with interns from vocational high schools and select candidates who want to advance and attach importance to their professional development to our internship program. After graduation, we recruit successful interns to our family. Candidates who are positive in all interviews and test processes are made a written proposal, and upon completion, the required job entry documents and health tests are completed and the date of work is determined. The reception kit, computer, telephone, if any, and transportation organization are completed until the day of the employee’s work.